Brussels community centres prepare their future along with 100 Brussels residents

Under the call sign #mission2030, N22, the network of Brussels community centres (GCs) is launching a future trajectory. To shape that new story, we have launched a participatory action. The community centres will engage in a dialogue with 100 Brussels residents who have been drawn together under the name N100. Registration is available starting today, at

© Sophie Lenoir

Including public participation process

The N100 brings together 100 Brussels residents who are to serve as a sounding board for Brussels' community centres. The inspiration was taken from the G1000, the Belgian platform for democratic innovation. For the N100, Brussels residents from all backgrounds are invited to register and submit their candidacy for contributing to the new future plans for the community centres. The process came about in co-funding between the Flemish Community Commission (VGC) and the NPOs behind the community centres.

To make the N100 as inclusive and diverse as possible, participants can speak Dutch, French or English. They can bring a friend along if they speak a different language or if they need extra support. This makes the N100 representative of the heterogeneity of Brussels. The group will consist of 50% users and 50% non-users of the community centres, and there is also room for 10% people from outside the city.

Two meetings

Once the N100 is assembled, the participants will meet twice. The first time in March and the second time in May. During those meetings, they will participate in round-table discussions along with employees and policymakers. Their input and new insights will be compiled afterwards so as then to put together a values framework in June.

By the end of 2024, all their community centres will present their joint and their own individual mission statements. After all, the intention is also for each community centre to further develop its own role in the neighbourhood and its own identity.

How to take part?

Starting today, Brussels residents can apply for the N100. They can do so until 28 January 2024. On 31 January 2024, the 100 members of N100 will be drawn by lot. To facilitate participation in the N100, the GCs will provide volunteers with compensation.

Interested Brussels residents can apply at: