A community centre brings the people of Brussels closer together. It is a place where you can do your own thing, or just be. You can meet other people there. Or destress. Nothing is obligatory. Plenty is possible.
Ruimte in de stad
De Brusselse gemeenschapscentra geven jou ruimte in de stad. Letterlijk, want je kunt de zalen gebruiken voor allerlei initiatieven. In totaal bieden de 22 centra meer dan 46.000 m² aan - bijna 12 keer de Grote Markt. Ruimte voor je organisatie, vereniging, burgerinitiatief, wijkcomité, artistieke project, collectief of privé-initiatief.
Naar het overzicht van alle zalen >
De centra geven jou ook ademruimte, het zijn plekken om tot rust te komen. En beweegruimte, om te sporten. Of om je eigen projecten te realiseren. Dat gebeurt vaak in samenwerking met het team van het centrum en allerlei vrijwilligers. Leg gerust je vragen, noden en ideeën voor.
Space in the city
The Brussels community centres give you space in the city. Literally, because you can use the rooms for all sorts of initiatives. Altogether, the 22 centres offer over 46,000 m² - almost 12 times the Grand Place. Space for your organisation, association, civic initiative, neighbourhood committee, artistic project, collective or private initiative.
To the overview of all rooms >
The centres also give you room to breathe. These are places where you can find peace and quiet. And room to move, to do sport. Or to carry out your own projects. That is often done together with the team at the centre and various volunteers. Feel free to put forward your questions, needs and ideas.
Image: N22 combines the forces of the 22 community centres in Brussels.
A community centre brings the people of Brussels closer together. It is a place where you can do your own thing, or just be. You can meet other people there. Or destress. Nothing is obligatory. Plenty is possible.